
‘Devastating’ Texas Wildfires Spark Disaster Declaration, Nuclear Plant Partial evacuation

THE FIRES AREMAMPACTING PARTS OF THE Texas Panhandle.“Devstating” Wildfires in Texas Have Prompted a Disaster Declaration for Dozens of Counting and Evacuation Orders in Parts of the Texas Panhandle.Gov. Greg Abbott Declared a Disaster Declared a Disaster Declared a Disaster Declared a Disaster Declared for 60 Counties on Tuesday Due to “Widespread Wildfire Activity Throughout […]


7th Measles Case Confirmed in Outbreak Linked to Florida Elementary School

7th Measles Case Confirmed in Outbreak Linked to Florida Elementary School The SeventH Case of Measures Linked to An out Outbreak at a floride, tuesday.Brooward County Public Schools (BCPS)The Infected Patient Has Not Physically Been On Campus Since Feb. 15, AND THE DISTRICT AND SCHOOL Are Continuing to Work with the Health Department Regarding the […]