
How To Be a Lazy Project Manager

Maybe it’s because the dog days of August fast approach and most people are either on vacation or wishing they were. But the Lazy Project Manager struck a vibe because who wants to work hard when it’s so hot outside?Peter B. Taylor is the brains behind ( He’s written a book entitled (naturally) The Lazy […]


4 Ways to Introduce Agile Concepts to Your Project

Agile project management has gained a lot of traction in recent years. It’s a powerful solution that offers flexibility, agility and runs “leaner and meaner”. However, most projects operate on the age-old waterfall management principle. Is there any way that you can bring Agile project management concepts into your existing traditional-style project? Actually, you can […]


Remedies for epilepsy

Remedies for epilepsy We are sharing natural cures for epilepsy.1) After heating the ship’s sail, attach it to the place where the mistletoe is climbing. If there is no fire, soak it in hot water and apply heat to the 4 ship leaves. (2) Add about a spoonful of mustard oil to ginger, Add liquid […]


Four-sided disease

Four-sided diseaseFour sided pain Health News shared a great natural remedy for arthritis and rheumatism. Medicine(1) Take a half of a gourd and take about a tablespoon of liquid.(2) Grind the ginger and take about one teaspoon of liquid.(3) Add about a tablespoon of pure natural honey. (4) Mix the 3 types together in a […]


A friend is a friend

A friend is a friendI have been on dialysis for 5 yearsIf you touch it, you will fall asleepIt’s called an uphill climb *Eating mixed fish and cobra (You can also eat plain)Eat more (morning-evening)I ate it every day for 2 weeksKidney check You can’t wash it because it’s clean to be surprisedIt’s been 3-months […]


snowflake snowflakes

snowflake snowflakes It is not a snowflakeWe are not friendly2013-05-19 10:00:0 snow Not Happy Birthday to you It’s a slightly different smile Pages Businesses Non-Governmental OrganizationWelcome to the snowflake He is not a friend ၊ We are not afraid of this Yes not It is not a snowflake ugu but they all theirs their hands […]