Medicinal catnip and health

The sweet and bitter taste of cat’s apple can help digestion and phlegm. It has the effect of curing mouth sores, asthma, cough, indigestion, and dry mouth.

eating the cat’s flower If you eat it with lukewarm water, it will make your mouth dry and cause air in your ears. The ringing in the ears is cured and the appetite is increased.

Paralyzed, half dead, half dead.
People with numbness and sore throat apply blood to the root of the cat tree. In edema
If you apply blood to the root fold, it will heal.

For those who have asthma and cough, make a powder of catsha paste and mix it well with ginger mineral water and honey, and it will heal.

For those who have indigestion, if you soak katsha powder in water for about 2 hours and drink the resulting liquid 2 times a day in the morning/night, your stomach will burn and you will fall asleep.

If you have a dry mouth, soak the leaves and bark of cat sera in water and drink the liquid and put it in your mouth.

If you have earaches, squeeze a small apple, heat the mineral juice in a copper spoon, and apply it to your ears.

If women are in pain until the 15th/16th day after childbirth
Make 3 pieces of 6 pieces of katsha kaffir powder, 6 pieces of dry chin and 12 pieces of palm oil. In the morning/night, feed with Dasamu infusion and you will be cured.

If you have an ear infection, boil the bark of the river with sesame oil and apply warm liquid to the ear. Get rid of ear diseases. Deaf people wipe cat apple with lime juice.

If you have a sore throat, you can apply blood to the cat’s river.

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