Kimpuncha, which induces appetite and lowers diabetes and high blood pressure

Roasted pickled leaves are good to eat and sweeten the rice as well as support health.

♦️Can increase appetite

The taste of the pickled pickled leaves is mouth-cleansing, so it is a kind of vegetable that will satisfy those who are on a diet. The pickled pickled leaves cooked with patetsa (padetsa) is quite appetizing to eat.

♦️Can cause weight loss

Pickled pickled leaves are rich in fiber and do not contain fat, so they are filling and can help you lose weight.

♦️ It can cause diabetes

With a sharp and sour taste, roasted pickled leaves regulate blood sugar and prevent blood sugar from suddenly rising. The presence of fiber also helps in regulating blood sugar.

♦️ Removes toxins from the body

Eating pickled leaves can effectively remove toxins from the body. It can clear the skin and help purify the blood.

♦️ Makes the stomach correct

Rich in fiber, roasted and pickled leaves improve the functioning of the intestines and support the intestinal walls for better absorption of nutrients, and also support regular bowel movements.

♦️ Can cause high blood pressure

The potassium contained in kampoon leaves can help regulate blood pressure and lower blood pressure.

♦️ Can heal

Another health effect of pickled cucumber leaves is wound healing. Being rich in vitamin C, it can keep the skin healthy, prevent infection, and support wound healing.

Kimpon pickled leaves have many benefits for health, but if you take too much of the medicine, it can be harmful, so it is recommended that you consume it after careful consideration.

It is shared through the pharmacy to gain health knowledge

You can also inquire about the traditional medicines available at the pharmacy

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